* with apologies for cross-posting *

*ACM Web Science 2014 Conference* *Call for Workshops*

June 23-26, 2014

Bloomington, Indiana, USA

websci14.org · @WebSciConf · #WebSci14


Deadline for workshops submission: January 17th, 2014
Notification of abstracts acceptance: January 31st, 2014

Workshops Date: June 23 2014

*Call for Workshops*

The Web is the largest information network ever devised. It opens a
universally accessible space for communication and knowledge sharing, with
vast effects on society that we are just starting to grasp. Web Science is
the emerging field that studies the structure, function and evolution of
the WWW to ultimately unravel the social potentials and consequences of
this ubiquitous network.

The Web Science conference will start with a number of workshops that will
promote in-depth discussions with the goal of understanding how people,
organizations, applications, and policies shape and are shaped by the Web.
In agreement with the spirit of the conference, the workshops are intended
to create opportunities for interdisciplinary discussion around themes that
are central to the study of the Web.The list of  themes includes, but are
not restricted to,

1. Methods for data mining and network research;

2. The study of social dynamics (i.e. political campaigns, censorship)
using Web data;

3. The relationship between technical design and individual behaviour (i.e.
the impact of by-default design on privacy);

4. The future of the Web in an era of increasing mobile applications;

5. The incentives and limits of regulation;

6. Participatory systems and crowdsourcing;

7. The dynamics of information creation (supply) and consumption (demand)
and its relation to real world events.

We will give priority to proposals that approach their topic from the
perspective of various disciplines, spanning the divide between the social
and computer sciences. Workshops can be designed as half or full day
events, and they can have a mixture of panel presentations and invited
speakers, but presentations should reflect the diversity of approaches that
characterize the multidisciplinary nature of Web Science.


Workshops proposals should contain the following information:

1. Title summarizing the theme of the workshop.

2. Details of the organizing committee, including names and institutional

3. Max two-page description about the relevance, motivation and goals of
the workshop.

4. Schedule of panels and talks (half or full day).

5. Names of potential invited speakers.

6. Selection criteria for papers to be presented.

7. Workshop website URL (advisable).

It is the prerogative of workshop organizers to decide whether to have an
open call for papers or arrange panels by invitation only, as well as
deciding the duration  (full or half-day event) of the workshop. Proposals
should include as many details as possible about speakers and talks: they
will be evaluated by their coherence and ability to address the stated

Is is the organizers’ responsibility to advertise their event, constitute a
workshop program committee to review and select papers, manage the review
process and possibly arrange for  selected papers to be published in a
special issue of a to-be-identified journal.

We advise proposals to have, at the time of submission, a website
describing the workshop and,  if applicable, information about similar
 events held in the past. Selected workshops will be linked from the main
conference site.

Proposals should be submitted in pdf format through Easychair to:
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=websci2014ws .


The Web Science workshop chairs will review each submission and select
those with the higher scores on originality and relevance of the proposed
topic, its interdisciplinarity, rigor of the review process, coherence with
the conference aims, and potential to attract a large audience .


* January 17th 2013: Proposal Submissions

* January 31st 2013: Notification of acceptance

* February 15th 2013: final website due

Workshop Chairs

Sandra González-Bailón, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (PA), USA
Alessandro Flammini, Indiana University, Bloomington (IN), USA
Daniela Paolotti, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy

For information, please contact websci201...@easychair.org

Alessandro Flammini
School of Informatics - Indiana University
919 East Tenth st.
47405 Bloomington IN
tel +1-(812)-856 1830
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