<quote who="Aaron Halfaker" date="Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 04:42:24PM +0200">
> For all intents and purposes, we have our own DERP right here.  We
> have a public mailing list.  We support volunteer & external
> researchers access to data (and we're actively working to make that
> easier[1]).  We hold regular outreach events (like the Research
> Hackathon @ Wikimania).  We're also organizing outreach events with
> other open ecosystem online communities.  For example, we have
> CSCW'15 workshop proposal submitted, and assuming it is accepted,
> we'll have participants from Imgur, Reddit and Zooniverse.

I think this is right. 

The goal of DERP, as I've understood it, is to provide a more clear
way to interface between researchers and social media
organizations. The goal, in that sense, is to go a little bit of the
way toward helping other organizations become more like WMF in this
respect. :)

Because the infrastructure and interfacing that DERP aims to provide
is pretty similar to what WMF already does, the marginal benefit to
Wikimedia researchers may be much smaller than it will be for people
interested in working with all of the other DERP data providers.

Of course, that's no reason that WMF shouldn't participate, support,
and lend its good reputation in this space to this effort. I hope we
can figure out the logo stuff. It seems like this should be a very
small issue and a silly reason to have this fall over.


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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