<quote who="Valerio Schiavoni" date="Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:09:44PM +0200">
> I'm sorry to contradict you, but at least on the Wikibench traces, that
> information is very well present. I see things like:
> 1609418296 1190438479.078
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Western_betrayal&oldid=9828122&action=raw

<snip />

> I'm quite surprised that such informations are not known by the
> community of Wikipedia researchers.

Well, my ignorance is my own and does not reflect the community of
Wikipedia researchers. :)

But, as Scott pointed out, I was referring to pagecount data published
by WMF (i.e., the data binned by hour that we were discussing in the

I was replying to the discussion about the granularity of the
pagecount data to point out that increased granularity won't help you
because the data you want isn't provided in /that/ dataset at all.

Wikibench is the only source of data I know of that includes hits to
the "/w/index.php" pages for all of Wikipedia (I'd love to hear that
I'm wrong about that). Unfortunately, Wikibench was, as far as I know,
basically a one-off thing. It's great if you want a 10% sample of this
kind of data for a ~3.5 months period in late 2007. If you want
anything that is less stale, I think you're going to have to try to
cut a deal with WMF to collect it.


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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