Hello Finn,
   I do not have a specific answer to your question. However, it might be
worthwhile to add Finnish in to the comparison as according to the CLDR 26
T-L information

   You have some sizable Finnish language speakers in Sweden:

Swedish {O} sv 95.0% 99.0%
Finnish {OR} fi 2.2%

    So if the similar query is executed on Finnish language, and the
results also show some "undue" proportion of visits from Sweden, then what
you observed as anomaly is the that unique. We probably need many
iterations of comparative outcomes and normalization of data (Sweden does
have higher population).  Also, it might be handy to have some statistics
on immigration or residence, it is EU. I will not be surprised that for
example the  visits from Oxford to Wikipedia website have sizable German
language requests.

    I am still a bit bothered by the number "1" in the current dataset. It
does not feel right since the numbers of 1.4% and 0.6% is a notable
difference in this regard. Perhaps we need some high precision "universal
percentage" number for each territory-language pair. It would be also great
to do another set of aggregation: i.e. given a territory, which language
versions of Wikipedia are accessed....

han-teng liao

2015-03-02 13:54 GMT+01:00 Finn Årup Nielsen <f...@imm.dtu.dk>:

> Hi Oliver,
> Interesting dataset! I am curious about why the Danish Wikipedia is so
> highly acccessed from Sweden. Could it be an error, e.g., with Telia
> IP-numbers?
> In Python:
> >>> import pandas as pd
> >>> df = pd.read_csv('http://files.figshare.com/1923822/language_
> pageviews_per_country.tsv', sep='\t')
> >>> df.ix[df.project == 'da.wikipedia.org', ['country',
> 'pageviews_percentage']].set_index('country') pageviews_percentage
> country
> Austria                            1
> China                              1
> Denmark                           61
> Estonia                            1
> France                             1
> Germany                            2
> Netherlands                        2
> Norway                             1
> Sweden                            18
> United Kingdom                     3
> United States                      3
> Other                              5
> MaxMind has some numbers on their own accuracy:
> https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip2-city-database-accuracy
> For Denmark 85% is "Correctly Resolved", for Sweden only 68%. I wonder if
> this really could bias the result so much.
> If the numbers are correct why would the Swedish read the Danish Wikipedia
> so much? Bots? It does not apply the other way around: Only 2% of the
> traffic to Swedish Wikipedia comes from Denmark.
> best regards
> Finn
> On 02/25/2015 10:06 PM, Oliver Keyes wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> We've released a highly-aggregated dataset of readership data -
>> specifically, data about where, geographically, traffic to each of our
>> projects (and all of our projects) comes from. The data can be found
>> at http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1317408 - additionally, I've
>> put together an exploration tool for it at
>> https://ironholds.shinyapps.io/WhereInTheWorldIsWikipedia/
>> Hope it's useful to people!
> --
> Finn Årup Nielsen
> http://people.compute.dtu.dk/faan/
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