Wikipedia Research Track at OpenSym 2015!
Wikis and Open Collaboration Track at OpenSym 2015!

We have extended the research paper submission deadline to *April 13th, 2015* AoE (Monday night) to give authors more time to finish their paper submissions.

We would appreciate an abstract submission by the old deadline, March 29th, 2015. Abstract submission is not required but should help us plan the review process. Please submit through

Those who will attend OpenSym 2015 at San Francisco's Golden Gate Club

will not only experience a great research program and community events, but also get to listen to and engage with keynote speakers

- Peter Norvig of Google,
- Richard Gabriel of IBM,
- Robert Glushko of UC Berkeley, and
- Tony Wasserman of CMU (Silicon Valley).

See you in San Francisco!

Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Open Source Research Group, Applied Software Engineering
Web:, Email:
Cell phone: +49 157 8153 4150 or +1 650 450 8550

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