

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 2:17 PM, Shani <> wrote:
> Hello fellow wiki-researchers,
> I've started working on a research for a seminar paper (which will probably
> evolve to an M.A. dissertation) on Wikipedia in Higher Education as part of
> my MA in "Technology in Learning" program at the School of Education,
> Tel-Aviv University. The research will focus on a elective course on
> Wikipedia for Med students, which I've developed and run at TAU.
> I was wondering if any of you have access to this research --
> Aibar, E., Lerga, M., Lladós, J., Meseguer, A., & Minguillón, J. (2014).
> Wikipedia in Higher Education: an Empirical Study RUSC VOL. 11 No 2 Special
> Issue| Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and University of New England|
> Barcelona.
> Other than an abstract, I wasn't able to find it online (nor is it available
> through the university library) and I would really appreciate a copy (word,
> PDF, whatever you can get your hands on).
> Any help getting this article would be much appreciated, as well as any
> directions to other relevant existing researches on the topic.
> Cheers,
> Shani.
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