Dear all,

I think that the following call might be of interest to some members of the
list. Please, feel free to disseminate it (thanks!):

*Call for Participation: **Policy & FLOSS for the Commons*

We invite you to participate in the forthcoming international workshop “Commons
Collaborative Economies: Policies, Technologies and City for the People
<>” in Barcelona, March 11-13. This event if
organized by the P2Pvalue project <> in
collaboration with the Barcelona municipality.

This interdisciplinary workshop will follow up the previous workshop
FLOSS4P2P <>, this time
expanding the focus to policy. It will provide an opportunity for policy
people to interact with the technical teams of Free/Libre/Open Source
Software (FLOSS) platforms for commons-based peer production communities,
and to get a deep dive into how to promote the commons approach to
collaborative economy from institutions. We have three aims:


   Highlight the relevance of the commons-oriented model within the
   collaborative economy

   Build policy recommendations for the European Commission concerning the
   regulation of the collaborative economy

   Provide technical guidelines to build software platforms for
   collaborative communities

The workshop will include panels on relevant topics, unconference dynamic
spaces, a hackathon, and working groups to draft the mentioned policy and
technical documents.

We welcome proposals for:


   Lightning talks (2m): summarise your idea & receive feedback from the

   Leading Discussion (20-30m): gather those interested in your
   project/tech/policy/research, introduce it to the group, and discuss

   Participatory sessions (30m-1h): engage the interdisciplinary attendees
   in co-creating, playing or creative  dynamic sessions

Please email: with your proposals, deadline Feb 29.

You may find additional info at

We hope you will be able to join to help pushing forward the transition to
the commons!

Thank you

The P2Pvalue crew

Samer | @sh3v3k <> |

"We are the ones we have been waiting for" (June Jordan)
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