I would encourage people to start moving their papers to Wikidata and use P921 for tagging. I have attempted a query on WDSQ for what we have at the moment:


Presently I catch 32 results. I have put most of my Wikipedia and Wikidata papers in there.

Adding your papers is most easily done with the help of Magnus if you got a DOI for the paper: https://tools.wmflabs.org/sourcemd/


# Wikipedia research et al.
select ?paper ?paperLabel ?class_labels ?authors ?venueLabel ?topics ?date_of_publication ?full_text
where {
      ?paper ?paperLabel
(group_concat(distinct ?classes_label; separator=", ") as ?class_labels)
      (group_concat(distinct ?author_label; separator=", ") as ?authors)
      (sample(?published_ins) as ?venue)
      (group_concat(distinct ?topic_label; separator=", ") as ?topics)
      (min(?dates_of_publication) as ?date_of_publication)
      (sample(?full_texts) as ?full_text)
    where {
      { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q52 } # Wikipedia
      union { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q195951 } # reliability
union { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q870337 } # academic studies about Wikipedia
      union { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q23038345 } # Wikipedian
union { ?paper wdt:P921 ?wiki . ?wiki wdt:P31 wd:Q10876391 } # Language-version Wikipedia
      union { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q2013 }  # Wikidata

      optional {
        ?paper wdt:P31 ?classes .
        ?classes rdfs:label ?classes_label .
        filter (lang(?classes_label) = "en")

      { ?paper wdt:P921 ?topic . }
optional { ?topic rdfs:label ?topic_label . filter (lang(?topic_label) = "en") }

      optional {
        ?paper wdt:P50 ?author .
        ?author rdfs:label ?author_label .
        filter (lang(?author_label) = "en") }

      optional { ?paper wdt:P1433 ?published_ins }
      optional { ?paper wdt:P577 ?dates_of_publication }
      optional { ?paper wdt:P953 ?full_texts }

    } group by ?paper ?paperLabel

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
} order by desc(?date_of_publication)

On 09/11/2016 09:42 AM, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
I understand why Wikipapers started in a MediaWiki format. I wonder if
it would make sense to include the data of Wikipapers in Wikidata like
any other Wiki so far.

It would bring several advantages among them query and the realisation
that our own movement is relevant and notable. This is at this time
denied by some. We do include references to all kinds of papers, why not
the papers documented in Wikipapers?

On 10 September 2016 at 16:43, Guillaume Paumier <gpaum...@wikimedia.org
<mailto:gpaum...@wikimedia.org>> wrote:

    Hello Joe,

    On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 6:47 AM, Joe Corneli
    <holtzerman...@gmail.com <mailto:holtzerman...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > I assume some researchers are keeping track of some facets of recent
    > work in this area: are you archiving e.g. BibTeX files somewhere?  Could
    > these be shared/curated in a wiki-like way?

    WikiPapers is the main wiki-based curation platform for wiki-related
    academic publications, but it's down at the moment:
    http://wikipapers.referata.com/ <http://wikipapers.referata.com/>

    Although not as structured, the (searchable) archives of the Research
    Newsletter are a great resource:

    Many of the references indexed in the Research Newsletter are also
    curated in the associated WikiResearch library on Zotero (which was
    recently converted to a Zotero group for better collaboration).
    Zotero can export to BibTeX.

    More recently, I've started an effort to organize the literature by
    topic. It's an ambitious goal and most of the pages are still just
    skeletons. The nearly-finished page about contributor roles gives an
    idea of what it'll look like:

    I'm sure I've missed other resources that others will follow up on.

    Guillaume Paumier

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