A reminder that the livestream will start in an hour (11:30am PT / 7:30pm
UTC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmrlu5qTgyA

If you want to learn more about perceptions of privacy and safety among Tor
users and Wikimedia contributors or are eager to know how much high-quality
content gender-focused initiatives have contributed to Wikipedia, come and
join us today (the discussion will be hosted on IRC).


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Sarah R <srodl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> The next Research Showcase will be live-streamed this Wednesday,
> December 21, 2016 at 11:30 AM (PST) 18:30 (UTC).
> YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmrlu5qTgyA
> As usual, you can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research.
> And, you can watch our past research showcases here
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Research/Showcase#December_2016>
> .
> The December 2016 Research Showcase includes:
> English Wikipedia Quality Dynamics and the Case of WikiProject Women
> ScientistsBy *Aaron Halfaker
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Halfak_(WMF)>*With every productive
> edit, Wikipedia is steadily progressing towards higher and higher quality.
> In order to track quality improvements, Wikipedians have developed an
> article quality assessment rating scale that ranges from "Stub" at the
> bottom to "Featured Articles" at the top. While this quality scale has the
> promise of giving us insights into the dynamics of quality improvements in
> Wikipedia, it is hard to use due to the sporadic nature of manual
> re-assessments. By developing a highly accurate prediction model (based on
> work by Warncke-Wang et al.), we've developed a method to assess an
> articles quality at any point in history. Using this model, we explore
> general trends in quality in Wikipedia and compare these trends to those of
> an interesting cross-section: Articles tagged by WikiProject Women
> Scientists. Results suggest that articles about women scientists were lower
> quality than the rest of the wiki until mid-2013, after which a dramatic
> shift occurred towards higher quality. This shift may correlate with (and
> even be caused by) this WikiProjects initiatives.
> Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration. A Study of
> Tor Users and WikipediansBy *Andrea Forte*In a recent qualitative study
> to be published at CSCW 2017, collaborators Rachel Greenstadt, Naz
> Andalibi, and I examined privacy practices and concerns among contributors
> to open collaboration projects. We collected interview data from people who
> use the anonymity network Tor who also contribute to online projects and
> from Wikipedia editors who are concerned about their privacy to better
> understand how privacy concerns impact participation in open collaboration
> projects. We found that risks perceived by contributors to open
> collaboration projects include threats of surveillance, violence,
> harassment, opportunity loss, reputation loss, and fear for loved ones. We
> explain participants’ operational and technical strategies for mitigating
> these risks and how these strategies affect their contributions. Finally,
> we discuss chilling effects associated with privacy loss, the need for open
> collaboration projects to go beyond attracting and educating participants
> to consider their privacy, and some of the social and technical approaches
> that could be explored to mitigate risk at a project or community level.
> --
> Sarah R. Rodlund
> Senior Project Coordinator-Engineering, Wikimedia Foundation
> srodl...@wikimedia.org
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*Dario Taraborelli  *Director, Head of Research, Wikimedia Foundation
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