I am helping to organise an Open Panel at 4S Sydney, August 29 - September
1 2018 (https://4s2018sydney.org/) around "Cultures of Fact Travel". Hoping
that there will be some Wikipedia/WikiData/citizen science scholars in
Sydney. If you're looking at production/evaluation/distribution of factual
knowledge in digitally-mediated environments, please apply! Abstracts
close: Feb 1st, 2018.

79. Cultures of fact travel

Organisers: Dr Heather Ford, University of New South Wales; Professor
Christopher W. Anderson (University of Leeds), Dr Lucas Graves (University
of Oxford)

This panel invites research that addresses how facts and knowledge claims
are represented in online spaces, how they are evaluated and verified, the
ways in which they face opposition or reach consensus, and/or how they
travel through the infrastructures of the Internet. A large variety of
sites and practices have emerged to host and distribute facts in online
environments. New facts are born digital in the form of databases, data
visualisations, online dictionaries and encyclopaedic entries while facts
that existed before the Internet are digitised and encoded using the rules
and grammar of software. In this environment, facts are produced and
represented using software for visualising data and exporting
visualisations into Web-friendly formats, where facts are verified on fact
checking platforms and where facts are distributed and shared using
software such as the ‘share this’ button at the end of a newspaper article,
a ‘cite this’ button on a scientific journal article, or a retweet function
on Twitter. In order for a fact to travel, it needs to move from beyond its
origins in the lab, the institution, company, field, or community to new
audiences. Sometimes this translation happens between institutions,
sometimes it happens between fields, or between countries, continents or
languages. This panel will host different approaches to the production,
evaluation, and distribution of facts in digitally-mediated environments.

Open panel paper submissions should be in the form of abstracts of up to
250 words. They should include the paper’s main arguments, methods, and
contributions to STS.

When submitting papers to open panels on the abstract submission platform,
you will select the Open Panel you are submitting to. Papers submitted to
an open session will be reviewed by the open session organizers and will be
given first consideration for that session. Papers not included in the
session to which they were submitted will be considered for other sessions.
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