Hi everybody,

just a reminder that the upgrade is scheduled for tomorrow EU/CET morning.


2018-01-23 17:58 GMT+01:00 Luca Toscano <ltosc...@wikimedia.org>:

> *TL;DR*: The Analytics Hadoop cluster will be completely down for max 2h
> on *Feb 6th* (EU/CET morning) to upgrade all the daemons to Java 8.
> Hi everybody,
> we are planning to upgrade the Analytics Hadoop cluster to Java 8 on *Feb
> 6th* (EU/CET morning) for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T166248.
> Sadly we can't do a rolling upgrade of all the jvm-based Hadoop daemons
> since the distribution that we use (Cloudera) suggests to perform the
> upgrade only after a complete cluster shutdown. This means that for a
> couple of hours (hopefully a lot less) all the Hadoop based services will
> be unavailable (Hive, Oozie, HDFS, etc..).
> We have tested the new configuration in labs and all the regular Analytics
> jobs seem to work correctly, so we don't expect major issues after the
> upgrade, but if you have any question or concern please follow up in the
> task.
> Thanks!
> Luca and Andrew (on behalf of the Analytics team)
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