Amy Bruckman wrote:

> I was just re-reading Halavais & Lackaff’s 2008 paper on topic coverage in 
> the English Wikipedia.
> Has anyone redone or extended that analysis more recently?

I've been keeping track of the length articles on
every six months for the past six years. It's great news in that
improvements as measured by byte count and controlled for maintenance
templates has been growing at a constant rate, basically four bytes
per day. I've never published anything on it and don't plan to, hoping
that someone who can use the academic publication credit will some
day. Plotting ORES scores over time is easy now, and should make it
sufficiently interesting to journal editors.

My favorite article on the topic is
It has a lot of citing articles:

> Also, has anyone mapped comparative topic coverage for different languages?

Yes, e.g.

Best regards,

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