
Thank you for the hyperlinks to the pertinent projects.

I’m thinking that machine lexicon services could include URL-addressible: (1) 
headwords and lemmas, (2) conjugations and declensions, and (3) specific senses 
or definitions. Each conjugation or declension could have its own 
URL-addressable definitions. Machine-utilizable definitions are envisioned as 
existing in a number of machine-utilizable knowledge representation formats.

In addition to Web-based user interfaces for content editing, machine lexicons 
could support bulk API’s including those based on XML-RPC and SPARUL. With 
regard to the use of SPARQL and SPARUL, there may already exist a suitable 
ontology. Some lexical ontologies include: Lemon 
(https://www.w3.org/2016/05/ontolex/), LexInfo (http://www.lexinfo.net/), LIR 
(http://mayor2.dia.fi.upm.es/oeg-upm/index.php/en/technologies/63-lir/), LMM 
(http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Ontology:LMM), semiotics.owl 
(http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/semiotics.owl), and Senso Comune 
(http://www.sensocomune.it/). It should be possible to extend existing 
ontologies to include machine-utilizable definitions in a number of knowledge 
representation formats.

I’m thinking about topics in knowledge representation with regard to the formal 
semantics of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and 
conjunctions and about how automated reasoners could make use of 
machine-utilizable definitions to obtain and compare semantic interpretations 
as software systems parse natural language.

Best regards,

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