Hi everyone,

Summary: Wiki Workshop 2022 [0] will take place virtually as part of
The Web Conference 2022 [1]. Call for papers is now open:
https://wikiworkshop.org/2022/#call . Deadline to submit for paper to
appear in the proceedings of the conference is Feb 3, for all other
submissions March 10. The workshop will take place on April 25, 2022.


We are delighted to announce that Wiki Workshop 2022 [0] will be held
virtually April 25, 2022 and as part of the Web Conference 2022 [1].

In the past years, Wiki Workshop has traveled to Oxford, Montreal,
Cologne, Perth, Lyon, and San Francisco, and (virtually) to Taipei and
Last year, we had more than 150 participants in the workshop along
with 22 accepted paper presentations, keynote, panel, music and more.
The workshop is now a vibrant event for Wikimedia researchers and
those interested in this space to get together on an annual basis.

We encourage contributions by all researchers who study the Wikimedia
projects. We specifically encourage 1-2 page submissions of
preliminary research. You will have the option to publish your work as
part of the proceedings of The Web Conference 2022.

You can read more about the call for papers and the workshop at
http://wikiworkshop.org/2022/#call. Please note that the deadline for
the submissions to be considered for proceedings is February 3. All
other submissions should be received by March 10.

If you have questions about the workshop, please let us know on this
list or at wikiworks...@googlegroups.com.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in this year's edition.

Srijan Kumar, Georgia Tech
Emily Lesack, Wikimedia Foundation
Miriam Redi, Wikimedia Foundation
Bob West, EPFL
Leila Zia, Wikimedia Foundation

[0] https://wikiworkshop.org/2022/
[1] https://www2022.thewebconf.org/
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