--- Comment #1 from S. McCandlish <>  2009-01-13 08:20:04 
UTC ---
Self-correction! I meant to say:

'Failure to fix this means disuse of semantic markup tags in favor of ones with
no semantic meaning at all (u and s), which are ignored by screen readers, thus
making this an accessibility issue: "Foo <s>bar</s> <u>baz</u> quux"
will be read by screen reader software in most cases as "foo bar baz quux",
which is obviously wrong in almost all cases in Wikipedia, where something more
like "Foo <del>bar</del> <ins>baz</ins> quux" was intended, and will be
rendered properly.'

To continue in more detail:

Depending upon the screen reader, the aural rendering will be something
something like "[normal tone] Foo [tone change] deleted-text bar [different
tone change] inserted-text baz [return to normal tone] quux" - but people won't
use actually do this properly because of the bug reported here. With the u/s
rendering it will simply be "[normal tone] foo bar baz quux", with all the
non-semantic u/s markup ignored.

No one's going to do it properly until this bug is fixed, yet by a HUGE margin,
the WP usage of u/s is in talkspace (and occasionally quotations of manuscript
materials) as stand-ins for ins/del, respectively.  There are almost zero legit
uses of u and s outside of the insertion and deletion contexts.  U has been
abandoned almost Web-wide, and s even off of Wikipedia is hardly ever used to
indicate anything other than deleted/redacted material (i.e., what del is for).
 As non-semantic markup elements, u and s serve no purpose other than
decoration, and should be abandoned on WP just as they are being deprecated in
the specs in favor of CSS.

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