
           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #2 from  2009-03-11 21:53:24 UTC ---
This bug has been a problem on the wiki where I'm an admin (,
because our site makes extensive use of content namespaces other than NS_MAIN. 
I've implemented a code modification on our wiki that fixes this bug, and I
think it would be useful if the same fixes could be implemented in the core
mediawiki code.  In my previous comment I uploaded a patch file that implements
all of the suggested changes.

I've added a new static function, Namespace::isContentQuery(), to Namespace.php
(basically just moving existing code in SpecialPopularPages.php into a
centralized function).
That function has then been added into the SQL queries of all relevant special
pages, basically just replacing "page_namespace=".NS_MAIN with "page_namespace
".Namespace::isContentQuery() .  A few special cases where more than just one
line needed to be changed in the Specialxxx.php are:
* On SpecialPopularPages.php and SpecialShortpages.php existing redundant code
was removed.
* On SpecialUncategorizedpages.php, the default request was changed to be "all
content pages" (requested using NULL) instead of NS_MAIN
(Uncategorizedtemplates and Uncategorizedcategories still work properly)

These changes have been in place at UESP for a year now, so I'm confident that
they do work on a live wiki.  If anyone would like to see the resulting code in
action, you can check some of UESP's special pages, i.e.
The only caveat is that UESP is still running Mediawiki 1.10.0 (in part because
we have numerous code modifications like this that make upgrading unbearably
difficult, thus the interest in getting some of the modifications added to
mediawiki).  However, the relevant code hasn't changed much since 1.10.  The
attached patch was created for 1.14, and I did some basic tests on the 1.14
configuration to check that the changes work.

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