--- Comment #15 from badon <> 2012-02-23 23:53:11 UTC ---
If any decisions need to be made about the data to be entered, then it needs to
be done dynamically, in response to user input. When that process is complete,
then the data may be entered automatically by Special:RunQuery.

The one example you can see of assembling a list of serial numbers that should
have their own page, cannot be solved with a batch process if any of the
following are true:

* The user is not an administrator.
* If dynamically generated or manipulated data will be stored in addition or in
place of the the raw data entered, such as timestamps, hashes, counts, related
data states (the weather on a particular day), calculations, etc, at the time
of entry.
* If dynamically manipulated data is entered, like asking the user to compare
their entered data with pre-existing data, so Special:RunQuery can trim
duplicate data, and add new data, from any unsorted source.
* If the data must be checked automatically or semi automatically for accuracy
before it is entered, by comparison with something else (microformats, for
* The page that the serial number is to go on has an automatically generated
name based on data already in the wiki.
* Additional information needs to be entered, that is automatically determined
and prompted-for from the user during the data entry process.

That list isn't exhaustive, I hope that is obvious. Special:RunQuery is very
different from Data Transfer. If this information isn't enough to lead to
envisioning an unlimited number of other examples, I'm sure we could ask for
further ideas on the mailing list. 

Special:RunQuery can do anything Data Transfer can do, except automatically
enter the data (for now), and it can do an unlimited amount of other things
that Data Transfer cannot do.

Here's another example:

MIT is collecting prices. If a data entry operator first enters into a
Special:RunQuery form a list of regional prices for a commodity at various
points in time, and also enters in another list of regional commodity supply
quantities available, then Special:RunQuery can use those 2 correlated sources
of information to automatically calculate the total value of available
commodities at the time of entry. 

That information is added to the submitted data, and also used to track not
only prices, but also to calculate a data model representative of supply and
demand in relation to price, that can be stored with each data point when the
Special:RunQuery form is submitted. 

Each data point would have its own dynamically generated, and automatically
assigned wiki page name, which is then available for querying to produce more
sophisticated representations of the data.

Data transfer can't do that. Nothing but Special:RunQuery can do that. Data
transfer could be used to move pre-existing data from some other system, into
SMW, but it's not a realistic way to actually use SMW for anything requiring
data entry (which is everything that works well with Semantic data systems).

Once this enhancement is added, it will become easier to set up entry-points
for Special:RunQuery forms that are preloaded with data based on the entry
point (start in category "fruits" to add another fruit):

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