--- Comment #1 from Andre Klapper <> ---
Tried the Red Hat patch locally and of course code has changed in the meantime.

In edit.html.tmpl, the <td> for the component dropdown (in which I wanted to
insert that new link) is now created by including field.html.tmpl which is
generic for all these meta fields. Hence passing no_tds=1 and constructing the
<td>s and the "Component:" label manually seems to work.

As our Bugzilla/Gerrit/Puppet setup is still far from perfect (and I'm too lazy
right now to copy the file from "default" to "custom" and then create a patch
on top of it), quick & dirty paste of the changes in

        [%#  Component  #%]
          <td class="field_label">
            <label for="component"><b><a
href="describecomponents.cgi?product=[% bug.product FILTER uri
          [% INCLUDE bug/field.html.tmpl
              bug = bug, field = bug_fields.component, 
              no_tds = 1, value = bug.component
              override_legal_values = bug.choices.component
              desc_url = "describecomponents.cgi?product=$bug.product"
              editable = bug.check_can_change_field('component', 0, 1)
        [%# WIKIMEDIA EXTENSION START 46413 %]
        (<a href="buglist.cgi?component=[% bug.component FILTER uri
%]&product=[% bug.product FILTER uri %]" target="new_window">Show other [%
terms.bugs %]</a>)
        [%# WIKIMEDIA EXTENSION END 46413 %]
          <td class="field_label">
            <label for="version"><b>Version</b></label>:

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