--- Comment #2 from Kanegasi <> ---
Seeing as the word "Говно" could be normalized into "R0BH0", I'd imagine "Д"
would be listed under the "A" list.

This also brings up the question of actually trying to use the character in
terms of the "norm" and "ccnorm" functions of AbuseFilter. If a character
wasn't in the list, like this case, would it attempt to match it to the actual
character or throw an error since it's not in the list? If I were to use a
normalized rule for the word I first mentioned, "Пиздец", I would end up with
"ΠИ3дEU". Would this rule still match the word?

Yet another question from what I wrote above, but more of an unrelated
curiosity. Why doesn't И or и match N?

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