--- Comment #28 from kipod <> ---
(In reply to comment #16)
> It's actually *okay* if people turn off a beta feature because they don't
> like
> it. That's just as helpful in terms of feedback as leaving a comment or
> filing
> a bug. If we revert any part of a beta feature and do a new release, we can
> always notify people and get them to give a try again. 

this is a legitimate attitude - it's ok to turn off beta.
however, the whole idea of "beta" is to get feedback, in the form of bug
reports from your users. 
when viewed in this light, when conducting beta test, it's really the users who
get to decide that a certain  change (even if it's "by design") should be
considered a bug.

if the word "bug" carries with it some emotional load, call it "wrong design
decision" or something instead.

Some "Devil's advocating" arguing why this is change is not a good one

the argument that reading very wide columns is not natural and inconvenient is
very convincing. 
however, the user already has a way to deal with it, without this change: when
i read an article on wikipedia (or any other web site, for this matter) on a
wide screen, i very naturally change the width of the browser window to the
exact width i find most comfortable. 

forcing this limit on me feels kind of 90's, where sites would decide for me
whether to open a link in the same window (and later, same tab), or open a new
one. since all modern browsers support <Ctrl>-click or <Shift>-click which lets
the user make this decision herself, it became a faux pas, and sites that still
do so are considered to be impolite or downright rude.

this change has the same effect: someone decides for me what's best for me,
where i have perfectly useful tools to make this decision myself ("grab the
right border of the browser's window, and gently move it leftward until you
feel comfortable with the text width"). 

please consider removing this unnecessary crutch, and let the reader size her
content width all by herself.


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