--- Comment #12 from Jon <> ---
I have little time to focus on writing patches around anonymous editing. I
tried [1] but was too busy to see it through to completion. If anyone wants to
continue this please be my guest.

The main issue with the patch from legoktm that I said in review was that it
didn't work. This is an important thing to check before merging code :)

Basically what needs to happen if you want to move this along and want my help
+2ing such a change (which I will happily do):
1) When $wgAnonymousEditing is enabled and the user clicks the edit button they
see a AnonEditWarningOverlay
2) When edit is clicked in that overlay they are taken to the editor and can
commence editing.
3) When they go through the workflow it should finish with a save.

Note the anonymous editing workflow is still very much in flux, so don't worry
too much for the time being about styling it nicely - just reuse the existing
overlay styles we have in mobile.

Also feel free to enable it by default in the experimental mode of the site, I
think we can manage the traffic there and it would give us useful data around
what anonymous editing on mobile might look like.


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