--- Comment #118 from Kunal Mehta (Legoktm) <> --- and

Mainly focusing on what I said (trimmed for relevance):

[16:51:53]  <legoktm>     MariaDB [commonswiki_p]> select count(*) from
filearchive join logging on log_title=fa_name where log_action = "upload" and
log_timestamp >= '20140701000000' group by log_title ;
[16:51:57]  <legoktm>     11949 rows in set (7.40 sec)
[16:57:10]  <legoktm>     MariaDB [commonswiki_p]> select count(*) from
filearchive join logging on log_title=fa_name join change_tag on
ct_log_id=log_id where log_action = "upload" and ct_tag="mobile edit" and
log_timestamp >= '20140701000000' group by log_title ;
[16:57:13]  <legoktm>     it's running
[16:57:18]  <legoktm>     1583 rows in set (9.82 sec)
[16:57:47]      JamesR (~JamesR@wikipedia/JamesR) left IRC. (Quit: Goodbye.)
[16:57:52]  <legoktm>     [16:57:47]  <EarwigBot>     legoktm: 1583/11949 =
1583/11949 (approx. 0.13247970541467905)
[16:57:57]  <legoktm>     13% is a lot.
^ mobile deletions / total deletions

[16:58:35]  <Maryana>     but my point still stands :)
[16:58:47]  <legoktm>     how?
[16:58:55]  <Maryana>     the vast majority of deleted uploads are coming from
[16:59:14]  <legoktm>     that's because the vast majority of uploads are from
[16:59:24]  <Maryana>     yes
[16:59:34]  <legoktm>     what's the upload to deletion ratio of mobile versus
[16:59:37]  <Steinsplitter>     mobile uploads are only a fre usable
[16:59:44]  <legoktm>     that's a more interesting stat IMO

[17:01:00]  <legoktm>     there were 3060 mobile web uploads in July.
[17:01:04]  <legoktm>     over half were deleted.

[17:02:24]  <legoktm>     desktop had 360236 uploads
[17:02:39]  <legoktm>     [17:02:35]  <EarwigBot>     legoktm: 11949/360236 =
11949/360236 (approx. 0.033169921940061515)
[17:02:50]  <legoktm>     so 3% deletion rate on desktop, compared to over 50%
on mobile.

Someone should also sanity check my SQL...

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