--- Comment #38 from Bawolff (Brian Wolff) <> ---
Rohan's patch just gave me a (hacky) idea.

*Add an index on (rc_source, rc_log_type, rc_timestamp)
*Do the normal newpages query, taking note of the first and last timestamp
*Do another query, something like: SELECT rc_title, rc_namespace, rc_params
FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_source = 'mw.log' AND rc_log_type = 'move' and
rc_timestamp >= $minTimestamp AND rc_timestamp <= $maxTimestamp order by
rc_timestamp desc LIMIT max( 2*$whateverTheActualLimitIs, 500 ) 

And then in php look through rc_params for the target page filtering out those
that don't match the namespace. (Originally I was thinking of doing a rc_params
NOT LIKE '%:"<namespace>:' clause for each namespace, but seems more sane to do
that filtering in php).

This works on the assumption that the number of moves total will be less than
the normal of page creations in a given namespace for a given time period. This
is mostly true for main namespace. Probably not true for others. Has a limit
check for sanity which would potentially cause some page moves not to be shown
if the limit is reached. I guess that's better than the current situation.
Maybe we could give a warning in that case or something.

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