--- Comment #14 from Krinkle <> ---
Hm.. so yeah, that's annoying. The condition-wrap is supposed to hide an issue
in old browsers, not introduce issues in modern browsers.

So far I've only seen two possible solutions:

1) Wrap in $.globalEval, passing the function body as a string.

Something like:

 if ( {
  $.globalEval('foo(); function foo() { return 1; }');

Produced by

  $content = 'if ( { $.globalEval(' . FormatJson::encode( $content )
. ' ); }';';


  $content = 'if ( { ' . Xml::encodeJsCall( '$.globalEval', array(
$content ) ) . '}';';

Though this is relatively cheap and doesn't bloat the output much in terms of
size, it does make it impossible to minify after the fact, so we should
probably run the js-filter on it first.

2) Parse the javascript and transform local var statements and function
declarations to explicit instead of implicit global properties so that scope
doesn't matter. This can be done with something like emscripten, and then use
the AST to replace var statements and function declarations with window[key]
assignments (and manually hoist function declarations I guess). Then it's safe
to use a closure (or even a plain wrap, like now).

This requires getting a JS parser in PHP though, or shelling out to nodejs.

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