Summary: Diffs are taking 10 to 20 seconds to load
           Product: MediaWiki extensions
           Version: any
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Normal
         Component: FlaggedRevs

A lot of users complained about the long time the diffs need to load with the
Pending Changes. So I tried to find out more infos using Firefox's Firebug
add-on. Here is what I get:

As of now, when reading articles like "Alexander the Great" I get the normal
behaviour (2-3 seconds to load the page). 

But when I try view a diff, it's another story. There is only one issue: the
first request for the diff
It was only 82 Kb to download, and this request had to wait 18 seconds for the
servers to begin sending the page. Once it started downloading, the download of
the rest of the page began normally. All requests and elements on the page
loads normally, with a total of 2 or 3 seconds.

There is a huge difference between the loading length of the article (3 seconds
max) and it's diff (up to 21 seconds). 

I'm not sure it's a pending changes issue though. I have the same issue on
"London" for example. The first diff request had to wait 18 seconds, and was
aborted. A new diff request was made, and I had to wait 30 seconds for the
download to begin.

Anyway, one thing is certain: there is an issue with the diffs. You might want
to download Firebug and try to reproduce.

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