--- Comment #2 from Antoine "hashar" Musso (WMF) <> ---
CCing Brandon

The straight forward way would be to have puppet auto-upgrade varnish on beta
cluster. Maybe using hiera() to define ensure => latest only on labs.

There is a couple oddities if I remember properly:

* the package upgrade override some of our puppet provided files (init
defaults, some config).  So it needs to be restarted again once puppet
reapplied the conf

* if the new version of vagrant is not back compatible with our conf, we need
the conf to be merged first.

Take them with a grain of salt though.

I would love release and ops team to write down the way Vagrant related changes
are pushed to production.  From there come up with a nicer strategy that might
involve beta cluster and some integration tests as a stage before the change
land to production.

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