--- Comment #20 from Philippe Verdy <> 2011-03-21 18:18:18 
UTC ---
Yes it is still an issue, because we can still want to have global login,
without necesarily autosubscribe to various privacy settings (notably email
notifications) just because we randomly visit a new wiki.
The global login is there to help autoconnect when we will really need to
interact with a wiki, so that we can just reserve the login name. But this
autologin feature does not mean that we have ever seen and checked those
privacy options on the per-wiki settings page.
I'd still like to have the global login enabled, but all wikis set by default
with the maximum privacy, instead of the default permissive ones.
Ideally, if the global login is enabled, the automatic account creation should
immediately create a link to our home wiki on the created account (this means
creating a home page automatically with a basic content, including the list of
languages that he advertizes on his home wiki, and posting a top message in the
user discussion page, stating that the user can be contacted on his home wiki),
and all email settings disabled until we explicitly check these settings on
specific wikis.
And there is still the lack of possibility for changing in one single screen
any given privacy option on all wikis, or to know on which wiki it has been
enabled/disabled (there should exist a link displaying which wiki has an option
enabled or disabled or different from the default global setting).
When you have an account enabled with more than 200 wikis, just because you
have just visited a few pages found when navigating from our home wiki, it
becomes extremely difficult to know when, and how the newly discovered wikis
have had a new privacy option implemented and which ones need to be updated.
Ideally, all privacy settings should not just display "enabled" or "disabled"
options, but also a "default/shared" option indicating that the option will be
inherited from the global settings. What this means is that the "global"
settings should act as if it was another wiki, but it could also mean the
settings from an existing wiki (our "home" wiki that we should also be allowed
to change within one of those for which we already have an account, preferably
a wiki where our account is already verified).

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