Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment.

Because I can’t think of anything SQL-related in that change… it shouldn’t result in any new SQL queries

Okay, that was wrong. There are new SQL queries: for each wbcheckconstraints request, one or two queries to get the latest revision ID for a set of entity IDs (one for a cache hit to see if the cached result is still valid, one for a cache miss to add the entity IDs to the cache, and it’s possible for both to occur in one request if the cached result is invalid), via WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup. And I think that set isn’t explicitly limited to any particular size anywhere, which is probably bad.

Do you have the query text of the killed queries? Were they queries like this code could produce – joining page, revision, and text?



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE
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