Smalyshev added a comment.

The scheme looks fine, but I have a question about which qualifiers we index. There are options:

  1. Use the same config as statement option does. The downside of this is that there may be qualifiers that we want to see that make no sense to index on statements, and vice versa.
  2. Index all qualifiers - after all, most statements only have one or two, so indexing all of them probably won't hurt. Of course, that is conditioned on the value type actually having indexing callback.
  3. Have separate config for qualifiers.

I am slightly preferring option 2, but I am not set on this.



To: Cparle, Smalyshev
Cc: Smalyshev, gerritbot, Ramsey-WMF, Aklapper, Cparle, Versusxo, Majesticalreaper22, Giuliamocci, Adrian1985, Cpaulf30, Lahi, PDrouin-WMF, Gq86, Baloch007, E1presidente, Darkminds3113, SandraF_WMF, Bsandipan, Lordiis, GoranSMilovanovic, Adik2382, Th3d3v1ls, Ramalepe, Liugev6, QZanden, EBjune, Tramullas, Acer, V4switch, LawExplorer, Lewizho99, Maathavan, Susannaanas, Wong128hk, Aschroet, Jane023, Wikidata-bugs, PKM, Base, matthiasmullie, aude, Ricordisamoa, Lydia_Pintscher, Fabrice_Florin, Raymond, Steinsplitter, Matanya, Mbch331
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