jcrespo added a comment.

Edits halved, which is consistent with a wikidata outage:
F22621659: Screenshot_20180625_081919.png

No long running queries on master or db1099:3318:
F22621676: Screenshot_20180625_081013.png
F22621675: Screenshot_20180625_080008.png

Revisions were 10 times less than expected:

root@dbstore1002[wikidatawiki]> SELECT CONCAT(RIGHT(LEFT(rev_timestamp, 11), 3), '0') AS time, count(*) FROM revision where rev_timestamp like '20180625%' GROUP BY LEFT(rev_timestamp, 11); 
| time | count(*) |
| 0000 |     4494 |
| 0010 |     4650 |
| 0020 |     4575 |
| 0030 |     4009 |
| 0040 |     4008 |
| 0050 |     3888 |
| 0100 |     3623 |
| 0110 |     3411 |
| 0120 |     3489 |
| 0130 |     3618 |
| 0140 |     3751 |
| 0150 |     3727 |
| 0200 |     3829 |
| 0210 |     3965 |
| 0220 |     3887 |
| 0230 |     3303 |
| 0240 |     3886 |
| 0250 |     3576 |
| 0300 |     2923 |
| 0310 |     3247 |
| 0320 |     3142 |
| 0330 |     2973 |
| 0340 |     2908 |
| 0350 |     3156 |
| 0400 |     2856 |
| 0410 |     1232 |
| 0420 |      168 |
| 0430 |      168 |
| 0440 |      148 |
| 0450 |      240 |
| 0500 |      260 |
| 0510 |      251 |
| 0520 |      257 |
| 0530 |     2118 |
| 0540 |     2564 |
| 0550 |     2735 |
| 0600 |     2938 |
| 0610 |     3013 |
| 0620 |     2789 |
| 0630 |     2643 |
| 0640 |     1131 |
41 rows in set (0.06 sec)



To: jcrespo
Cc: jcrespo, Aklapper, hoo, Lydia_Pintscher, daniel, Ladsgroup, Marostegui, AndyTan, Davinaclare77, Qtn1293, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, Th3d3v1ls, Hfbn0, QZanden, LawExplorer, Zppix, Wong128hk, Wikidata-bugs, aude, faidon, Mbch331, Jay8g, fgiunchedi
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