Vvjjkkii renamed this task from "QuickPresets v2" to "8ydaaaaaaa".
Vvjjkkii triaged this task as "High" priority.
Vvjjkkii removed MichaelSchoenitzer_WMDE as the assignee of this task.
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
Vvjjkkii added projects: CheckUser, Connected-Open-Heritage-Batch-uploads (RAÄ-KMB_1_2017-02), Tamil-Sites, Gamepress, Hashtags, JADE, KartoEditor, Language-2018-Apr-June, New-Editor-Experiences, Mail, TCB-Team.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)

[[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:MichaelSchoenitzer/quickpresets | quickpresets ]] is a Wikidata-Gadget that allows to add often used statements with a single click. It's been praised for it's concept but also criticized to be to hard to install and configure. Version 2 should fix this.

* [x] Change to JSON for configuration
* [x] Create a configuration tool
* [x] Use OOui for config-tool
* [x] Add all options to configuration tool
* [ ] Rewite configuration tool to allow to open current configuration
* [x] Write migration script for existing users to update to new version
* [ ] i18n
* [ ] Add support for property- and lexeme-pages
* [ ] Fix the width to the tool
* [ ] Add properties via _javascript_ not Api, so that they can be edited without reloading
* [ ] Update the tools site, Template:User quickpresets, WD:Tools, etc.
* [ ] Announce new version to all existent users

Help for this project is wanted & needed! Especially:
* If you know about the Wikibase-DOM help with this [[ https://discourse-mediawiki.wmflabs.org/t/wikidata-how-to-update-revision-after-doing-change/236 | problem ]] would be needed!
* If you know CSS/UX you can make it prettier and more useable!
* Teach me better & cleaner _javascript_
* Discuss the software design for this with me
* Share your ideas and feature-request for how this can be improved further



To: Vvjjkkii
Cc: MichaelSchoenitzer_WMDE, AndyTan, Zylc, 1978Gage2001, Lahi, Gq86, herron, pan199312, GoranSMilovanovic, Chicocvenancio, alanajjar, QZanden, Tbscho, dachary, LawExplorer, Lea_WMDE, Mattias_Ostmar-WMSE, Culex, JJMC89, Jseddon, Ryuch, Mkdw, RuyP, JEumerus, Trizek-WMF, KasiaWMDE, 0x010C, srodlund, Luke081515, grin, Bsadowski1, mys_721tx, Wikidata-bugs, Snowolf, aude, Huji, Gryllida, jayvdb, Ricordisamoa, Tobi_WMDE_SW, Sjoerddebruin, revi, scfc, He7d3r, Romaine, Mbch331, Jay8g, Glaisher, Krenair, chasemp, Aklapper
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