mpopov added a subscriber: Gehel.
mpopov added a comment.

Thanks for looking into it, @Nuria! And for confirming, @elukey @Ottomata! :)

A note for #operations: this is not the first time we've encountered an issue like this. Last year our query for Maps usage stopped working because of partition changes that we weren't told of (T167083), and this is exactly like that. Nobody on #product-analytics is subscribed to ops@lists.wikimedia (because 99.999% of those threads would be irrelevant to us), so I just want to point out that the decisions made by Ops that affect data sources like wmf.webrequest table need to be communicated to analysts who rely on those data sources.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect, say, @Gehel to notice those emails in his mailbox and notify us, so I suggest that when authoring emails announcing big, data source-related changes like partition drops and renames, please cc since we have scripts and queries that operate on those data sources under certain hard-coded assumptions.



To: mpopov
Cc: Gehel, Ottomata, elukey, Nuria, mpopov, chelsyx, Aklapper, Addshore, Smalyshev, Lydia_Pintscher, Akovalyov, Lahi, Gq86, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, EBjune, merbst, LawExplorer, Jonas, Xmlizer, JAllemandou, jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Tobias1984, Manybubbles, Mbch331, jeremyb
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