hashar added a comment.

@hashar Please do not remove these jobs. Those are daily jobs of Wikibase(Lexeme) extensions which we want to keep. It is true though, those have been red for more than a while. We're working on fixing those failures, to allow us to gradually migrate away from ruby tests to node ones.
It is actually my personal goal for this quarter to get all these daily selenium jobs of Wikibase's green. It is simply embarrassing that we haven't solved those problems for so long.

No worries, I was just wondering whether those jobs still serve a purpose. They do so yeah we will keep them!

Regarding the -chrome bit of jobs: the idea has indeed been to use local browser to run tests targetting beta/test wikis, instead of running this via saucelabs. This has stemmed from constant problems we have had with saucelabs and Wikibase browser tests (there is quite a few of these tests which does not make a problem any easier). Jobs were timing out randomly, it was dificult to debug failures, and everything has generally been very slow. Hence the idea to run tests on WMF Jenkins infrastructure, using local browser.
I am not sure off top of my head how the job configure browser to be chromium. I am sure @zeljkofilipin did some magic back then :)

I can't tell why they have a -chrome suffix :-( Apparently we had WikibaseLexeme to default to use Firefox which I have changed to use Chrome https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme/+/457407/3/tests/browser/environments.yml That was to migrate mediawiki-selenium jobs that run on a per patch basis (and thus require a fully working mediawiki) T203178

I clearly remember SauceLabs to be an hassle, mostly due to the latency between our and Saucelabs and the insane amount of queries being done. That pills up and slows it down. IIRC the main benefits were screenshots and video recording which mediawiki-selenium gem supports nowaday.

Finally, regarding containers: is there any container that has ruby/bundler and some local browser that could be used for our jobs? I believe (or hope) chromium is not the only one that works. Firefox would also do. The only requirement from Wikibase side is to be able to run the browser in the container, not go to saucelabs etc.

I was looking into it this morning and felt like we would have to craft yet another container with ruby/bundler/browsers etc. But for T203178: Migrate Selenium tests based on the ruby library mediawiki_selenium I crafted a container that reuses the environment for Quibble, it just add ruby/bundler on top of it. So we should be able to use docker-registry.wikimedia.org/releng/quibble-stretch-bundle . I will craft some experimental jobs for that.




To: hashar
Cc: WMDE-leszek, Addshore, Ladsgroup, zeljkofilipin, hashar, Aklapper, Nandana, Mringgaard, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, D3r1ck01, thcipriani, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Darkdadaah, Mbch331, Jay8g
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