Smalyshev added a comment.

I have a feeling we're overdesigning it a little. I think it should be simple and cover 80% of cases, and if you need more complex things you'd probably be better with using generic boolean syntax like OR/AND.

inlabel:foo@en may be ok, though obviously we'd have trouble with labels that contain @.

As for fallbacks etc. I am not even sure whether we need to give options there. I'd propose to start with a sane default (e.g. using current language with fallback if language is not given, and specific language if it's given) and see what requests we'd get on it. I think in general it's better to start with something basic and see what people ask for in addition than design a whole DSL here only to learn that's not what people actually need.



To: EBernhardson, Smalyshev
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