awight added a comment.

  This might also be useful:
  T199116: Quibble should run `npm install` and `npm run selenium-test` for 
each extension/skin that has Selenium tests 
  I have a patch for review which will run browser tests for each extension 
separately, which makes it possible to run custom setup scripts and install 
local npm dependencies.  This seems like a simpler solution than spinning up 
the headless browser in another phase of testing.  Or maybe I'm 
misunderstanding why you want the workaround here--would you mind explaining 
why it's desirable to run browser tests along with `npm test`?



To: awight
Cc: awight, Smalyshev, hashar, zeljkofilipin, noarave, alaa_wmde, WMDE-leszek, 
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