Catrope added a comment.

  The preference is labeled "Show Wikidata edits *by default* in recent 
changes". If you don't have it enabled, the default state of the RC filters 
when you open RC will be such that Wikidata edits aren't shown, but if you then 
change the filters they may end up being shown. I'm not sure how we could make 
this clearer.
  What is a bit confusing is that the way that this excludes Wikidata edits is 
by filtering for everything else (Page creations, Page edits, Log actions, 
etc), because the interface always tells you what it is showing (not what it 
isn't showing). If you remove these filters, all types of changes will be 
shown, including Wikidata edits, and that confuses some people. But I don't 
think there's much to do here, unless there are relatively simple ways to 
clarify this.



To: Catrope
Cc: Catrope, Etonkovidova, JTannerWMF, Lydia_Pintscher, Ammarpad, Reedy, 
Patriccck, Urbanecm, Aklapper, darthmon_wmde, 94rain, Nandana, kostajh, Jony, 
Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Taiwania_Justo, Jonas, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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