alaa_wmde added a comment.

  In T214884#5264763 <>, 
@Ladsgroup wrote:
  > In T214884#5264614 <>, 
@Esc3300 wrote:
  > > We could use the approach. Also 
solves the problem of structured data on EntitySchemas.
  > That is a hack, if we need to have structured data on EntitySchemas, then 
entity schemas need to be entities as well.
  I see your point. But I think too much generalization can be at fault here 
and would lead to undesirable coupling on conceptual level between schemas and 
  In this task, we only need to link to them so far. Theree's no clear need nor 
requirement for having structured data on EntitySchemas within Wikidata itself. 
That could change of course, and even then it would probably be cleaner for 
entity schemas to keep their own domain that does not inherit from Wikibase 
domain. Then Wikidata can represent those schemas with items to have some 
structured data on them .. this will allow entity schemas to come, be stored 
and develop freely from being bound to Wikibase DataModel (and therefore, 
pragmatically, its software tech stack & choices).



To: alaa_wmde
Cc: Ladsgroup, Jheald, Michael, alaa_wmde, ericP, Esc3300, Moebeus, Aklapper, 
Lydia_Pintscher, darthmon_wmde, pdehaye, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, Andrawaag, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, YULdigitalpreservation, LawExplorer, Salgo60, 
_jensen, rosalieper, Jonas, MisterSynergy, abian, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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