Michael added a comment.

  In T249120#6022937 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T249120#6022937>, 
@Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE wrote:
  > I also wonder if we shouldn’t maybe track all the error types in Graphite, 
not just the ones that end up in `ErrorUnknown` but also the ones that have 
other handlers, including the bailouts. Then this could happen as part of the 
`addError` action or the `addApplicationErrors` mutation.
  I agree with tracking the other bailout conditions besides datatype, but that 
should happen in a different chart on Grafana. In my mind, the tracking to be 
added in //this// tasks exists so we can decide which error condition currently 
collected in the generic error screen should get its own specific error screen. 
Adding the bailout "errors" to this mix doesn't help with that decision.
  > Well, I think the changes I uploaded do provide a way forward in that 
direction: where we need to //track// more specific information, split out an 
additional error `.type`. (In fact, the first change already does this, 
  I'm fine with adding the `INITIALIZATION_ERROR`. It is tracking only 
`"error.unknown.INITIALIZATION_ERROR"` that I disagree with because that covers 
at least 10 different exceptions being thrown and we don't even handle each of 
the requests timing out explicitly.
  My yes-model would be to track 
`"error.unknown.${error.type}.${exception-message}"`. Where `error.type` could 
be `INITIALIZATION_ERROR` and `exception-message` could be `'mw.Api rejected 
but result does not contain error(s)'`.



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Michael
Cc: Michael, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Aklapper, Pablo-WMDE, Oblanco79, 
Alter-paule, Beast1978, Un1tY, Sarai-WMDE, Hook696, Daryl-TTMG, RomaAmorRoma, 
E.S.A-Sheild, darthmon_wmde, Kent7301, Meekrab2012, joker88john, CucyNoiD, 
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