Silvan_WMDE added a comment.

  First results of the investigation, regarding WikibaseManifest information on 
Federated Properties enabled Wikibases:
  - the Manifest should include some notion of the repo's entity sources in 
order to be useful for both Wikimedia Commons (mediainfo) and third-party 
Wikibases with Federated Properties
    - on Wikimedia commons, the entity sources for Items, Properties and 
Lexemes would be
    - on third-party Wikibases with Federated Properties enabled, the entity 
source for properties would be the federation source repo
    - an example for the configuration of entity sources can be found in the 
Federated Properties documentation 
    - RDF prefixes could also be included in WikibaseManifest, as described in 
that Federated Properties document
    - a section such as [[
 | `entities` in the prototype examples ]] may be a good place to include 
entity source information
  - other than that, the WikibaseManifest should //not// include any info that 
is specific to the Federated Properties feature, such as 
`fedearatedPropertiesEnabled: true/false` or 
  Additionally, a third-party Wikibase with Federated Properties enabled could 
not only be a provider, but also the consumer of WikibaseManifest, when reading 
it from its federation source repo. This way, settings such as `rootScriptUrl` 
and wiki namespace IDs could be taken from the Manifest instead of having to 
configure them manually in LocalSettings.php. However, at the moment Federated 
Properties repos are using their local namespace id for properties, instead of 
the federation source's property namespace id. Also, as long as 
WikibaseManifest is an extension and not reliably part of Wikibase core, it is 
of limited use for Federated Properties enabled third-party Wikibases.



To: Silvan_WMDE
Cc: Pintoch, Aklapper, Samantha_Alipio_WMDE, Akuckartz, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, 
Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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