Silvan_WMDE added a comment.

  Here is my take with changes marked in //italic//
  | Options                    | Entity mapping                                 
              | QualityConstraints                                              
  | -------------------------- | 
  | WikibaseManifest Prototype | maps entity ids, where the key is the Wikidata 
entity and the value is the local wikibase entity, e.g. `"P31": "P1"` | //no 
specific section, but can be mapped as entities//                               
         | // no specific section, but can be mapped as entities//              
  | OpenRefine Manifest Spec   | lists the label and the respective id on the 
local wikibase, e.g.  `“instance_of”: “P1”`                             | //has 
"instance_of" and "subclass_of", **required**//                                 
        | //lists 17 properties and 47 items for wikidata. Otherwise 
**optional**, as QualityContraints is an extension and it might not be 
installed on some Wikibases// |
  | Comment                    | We should find out which format is more 
convenient for tool builders                                                 | 
Maybe we should look at Basic membership properties 
<> to see the 
full list and decide which we want to include | We might not provide them in v1 
of WikibaseManifest                                                             
  | Options                    | OAuth                                          
                                                      | Reconciliation          
             | EditGroups                                                       
  | -------------------------- | 
 | ------------------------------------ | 
  | WikibaseManifest Prototype | does not have it                               
                                                      | //allows it as an 
external service// | does not have it                                           
  | OpenRefine Manifest Spec   | lists the configs but it's **optional**, if 
available it requires the URL of the registration page, e.g. 
`` | 
has it and it's **required**         | has it as **optional**, and if provided 
it needs a `url_schema`. The URL schema must contain the variable `${batch_id}` 
  | Comment                    |                                                
  | Options                    | RDF Namespaces          | MediaWiki info       
                                                                      | Other   
  | -------------------------- | ----------------------- | 
 | ------------------------------------------ |
  | WikibaseManifest Prototype | has them listed         | lists the Wikibase 
name and root URL                                                               
                                                                        | Lists 
the namespaces for item and property |
  | OpenRefine Manifest Spec   | does not have them      | **Requires** the 
name of the Wikibase, e.g. `Wikidata`, the URL of the root, e.g. 
``, main page URL, e.g. 
`` and the API endpoint, e.g. 
`` | **requires** `max_lag` and `site_iri`    
  | Comment                    | No harm in keeping them | We should craft a 
list of MediaWiki configs we can expose                                         



To: Tonina_Zhelyazkova_WMDE, Silvan_WMDE
Cc: Silvan_WMDE, Aklapper, Tarrow, Akuckartz, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, Lahi, 
Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, 
Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
Wikidata-bugs mailing list

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