Thompsonbry.systap added a comment.

Concerning thread.

See [1] for a general background on query optimization for blazegraph.  The 
QueryEngine class in blazegraph supports parallelism across queries (concurrent 
non-blocking queries), within queries (different operators in the same query 
will execute concurrently), and within operators (most operators can be 
instantiated multiple times if there is enough work in their input queue and 
those instances will run concurrently when this happens).

At a high level, blazegraph is using threads to schedule IOs.  A typical query 
will have a bunch of PipelineJoins.  Those joins will each have their own 
thread and those threads will be scheduling IOs.  (We have looked at async IO 
quite a bit and concluded that it did not appear to offer a clear win in 
performance while making the code patterns more complex.)

BlazeGraph actually does very well with heavy concurrent client workloads. For 
example, the commercial OwlIM (now GraphDB) platform is close to blazegraph 
with 4 clients on a concurrent workload mixture but we completely dominate them 
with 64 clients each running the same mixture.

A lot of the GC overhead is the intermediate solutions awaiting in queues in 
front of each operator in the query engine.  One way to improve the single 
client performance is to transparently migrate those intermediate solution 
queues onto native memory, just as we do with the analytic query mode. This 
would also allow us to increase the vector size and that would improve the 
performance when there are only a few clients.




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To: Smalyshev, Thompsonbry.systap
Cc: Thompsonbry.systap, Beebs.systap, Haasepeter, Aklapper, Manybubbles, 
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