Pintoch added a comment.

  I realized today that I have uptime statistics for this service since I have 
been monitoring it for a few years (with
  | Year | Nb of outages | Uptime        |
  | 2018 | 67            | 99.79%        |
  | 2019 | 324           | 99.09%        |
  | 2020 | 241 so far    | 98.02% so far |
  These are obtained by polling the service every 10 minutes with the same 
query (and retrying every minute in case of failure).
  The large majority of the outages detected by this polling strategy are 502 
errors which last for a few minutes.
  In comparison, a simple deployment of the service on (with just Apache as a reverse proxy to the 
tool) achieves 99.99+% availability so far (the only outage registered so far 
is when the service was initially set up). So perhaps the complexity of the 
deployment in toolforge comes at a performance price? I would not be able to 
pin down where sadly…



To: Pintoch
Cc: Thadguidry, Lydia_Pintscher, Nemo_bis, Nintendofan885, bd808, Pintoch, 
Aklapper, Akuckartz, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, skpuneethumar, Zylc, Bstorm, 
1978Gage2001, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, DSquirrelGM, Chicocvenancio, 
QZanden, Tbscho, Freddy2001, LawExplorer, JJMC89, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Scott_WUaS, Luke081515, Wikidata-bugs, Jitrixis, aude, Gryllida, jayvdb, 
Nikerabbit, scfc, coren, Mbch331, Krenair
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