Samantha_Alipio_WMDE added a comment.

  In T261292#6491001 <>, 
@Pintoch wrote:
  > It looks great! Here are a few comments:
  > - I assume the constraint ids don't appear there because the quality 
constraints extension is not installed on this wiki, but would appear otherwise?
  > - In the manifests that we use, we have currently added a `maxlag` setting 
(to know which `maxlag=` is recommended when making edits). I don't know if 
that is worth including in your version or if it is actually always going to be 
5 in all deployments…
  > Also, there will inevitably be things that will need to be added to the 
manifest, as the tools ecosystem and the core platform evolves. For instance, 
say OpenRefine wants to display a note about the license used on the target 
Wikibase instance, to make sure users are aware of it. Assuming the 
WikibaseManifest extension has already been deployed on Wikidata and other 
Wikibase instances, what sort of process should we follow to add this? I 
imagine we need to file a Phabricator ticket to propose a syntax for the new 
field, submit a Gerrit patch to add it to the extension, wait for a new release 
and deployment? Do you already have some ideas about the sort of policy you 
would apply to these changes? I assume it would be legitimate for you to be 
reluctant to add fields which are overly tool-specific and therefore outside 
the scope of this project.
  > With that in mind, what is your expectation for tool builders:
  > - We rely entirely on the manifest exposed by Wikibase: users can configure 
a Wikibase instance just by adding the corresponding URL. It is clean, but 
relies on the assumption that all configuration parameters we will ever need 
will be available there (and puts pressure on the release and deployment 
process on your side to get new fields shipped quickly)
  > - We still use our own configuration format, which is stripped of all 
information we can extract from the Wikibase instance via the new extension. 
This is more flexible, but still requires users to write manifests manually 
(although they would be much smaller).
  @Pintoch I think I worded my question in a less-than-clear way -- I was 
wondering if the amount of entities (items, properties) that we loaded into the 
test Wikibase is sufficient to replicate a production WB. As you are correctly 
pointing out, the Manifest itself linked on the main page of the test Wiki is 
still a work in progress and has yet to reflect the changes we are making in 
response to earlier feedback and the OpenRefine manifest. This includes adding 
`maxlag` (see T263640 <>). In terms of 
incorporating additional feedback, that is the goal of this test system -- for 
tool builders to try out this first version while it is still under 
development, to incorporate any changes we can before first release, and then 
to continue collecting feedback to make the Manifest useful for the broadest 
range of tools before a second release/deployment to Wikidata. I'll shoot you 
an email later this week to see if we can connect and talk through some of 
these details in the near future.



To: Tarrow, Samantha_Alipio_WMDE
Cc: Pintoch, Aklapper, Samantha_Alipio_WMDE, Alter-paule, Beast1978, Un1tY, 
Akuckartz, Hook696, darthmon_wmde, Kent7301, joker88john, CucyNoiD, Nandana, 
Gaboe420, Giuliamocci, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Af420, Bsandipan, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, Lewizho99, Maathavan, _jensen, 
rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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