Amire80 added subscribers: Nikerabbit, santhosh.
Amire80 added a comment.

@hoo, thanks for offering help.

I plan to work on it this week.

The scenario goes more or less like this:

1. A Danish-speaking user opens the translation interface 
(Special:ContentTranslation) and loads the article , with the intention to 
translate to Danish.
2. When the translation is ready, the user presses the "Publish" button.
3. This takes the translated text and sends it 
 to the cxpublish API 
4. The translated text is HTML (the translation interface is contenteditable; 
not VE). The cxpublish API translates it to wiki syntax using Parsoid and 
creates a wiki page with the title .
5. When the API action is over and the page is created, the user sees a 
notification that the page was created and a link to the page.

Till here everything is already implemented. Step 4 is backend; everything else 
is frontend.

What this task wants to do is to add da:Aase_Birkenheier as a sitelink to without any more interaction with the 
user. In case of Aase Birkenheier, a Wikidata item already exists, but it's 
also possible that one doesn't exist yet, so it will have to be created. 
Functionally, it is supposed to be very similar to what happens when the user 
runs the "Add links" tool, the entry point to which appears in Wikipedia after 
the interlanguage links list, but without any user interaction at all, because 
we already know that the newly created Danish page corresponds to the Danish 

Given the above, should it be a step at the end of the backend cxpublish API? 
Or maybe a separate step initiated by the frontend after cxpublish finishes? Or 
something else?

Tips, opinions, examples, etc. - all welcome.

@santhosh, @nikerabbit - you are welcome to chime in as well, of course.


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To: Amire80
Cc: santhosh, Nikerabbit, CennoxX, hoo, Lydia_Pintscher, Amire80, Arrbee, 
Aklapper, Pginer-WMF, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Jsahleen, KartikMistry

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