UV created this task.
UV added projects: Wikidata, Maps (Kartographer).
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper.

  **Steps to reproduce behaviour:**
  - 1. Go to https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=939185856#Maplink
  - 2. Click on the link (created by the wikibase #statements parser function) 
that reads "40°41′21″N 74°2′40″W"
  - 3. Click on "External maps"
  - 4.
  - - 4a. Click on "OpenStreetMap".
  - - 4b. Alternatively, click on "View more", then click on "ACME Mapper".
  **Observed behaviour:** In my browser window, I see a nearly empty webpage 
(only some controls, **no map**).
  **Expected behaviour:** In my browser window, I would like to see a **map** 
(with the corresponding controls).
  However, if I (in step 4) click on "GeoHack", and then, from the "GeoHack" 
webpage, I click on "OpenStreetMap">"Map" or on "ACME Mapper">"Map", I **do** 
see the map. This shows that the problem apparently does not lie within 
OpenStreetMap or ACME Mapper, but with Maplink (via Wikidata). Maplink (via 
Wikidata) apparently provides some external map links that are broken 
(including those for OpenStreetMap and ACME Mapper), while the links provided 
by GeoHack (to OpenStreetMap and ACME Mapper) are apparently fine.
  **Possible cause:**
  A missing `zoom` attribute might be a cause of the problem. This problem was 
already reported as part of the description of T225350 
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T225350>. T225350 
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T225350> was closed as resolved; hovever, 
the problem described above is indeed not yet resolved. Regarding the possibly 
missing `zoom` attribute, see in particular the comments at T225350#5244713 
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T225350#5244713> and T225350#5851510 
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T225350#5851510>, and see T227402 



To: UV
Cc: Aklapper, UV, Akuckartz, Alilje, Nabetaro, Nandana, MSantos, Lahi, Gq86, 
Looniverse, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, Orienteerix, LawExplorer, Ddproxy, 
_jensen, rosalieper, JGirault, Scott_WUaS, phabyogi, GAllegre, Susannaanas, 
ferdbold, lxbarth, Planemad, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Yurik, TheDJ, Mbch331, Jay8g
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