ItamarWMDE added a comment.

  Investigation Report
  Three approaches can be considered in order to achieve a proper spacing 
within the context of a button: CSS-Only approach, Button - context approach 
(slots), Icon - context approach (prop).
  CSS Only Approach
  In this approach, we style the Icon as a descendant of Button within the 
Button's CSS, to add margins to Icon and ensure proper spacing.
    <Button type="danger">
        <Icon type="trash" /> Delete
  - Changes are done only within the required context
  - No need to change any component's API in order to enable this
  - Quick and easy to apply
  - There isn't an "intelligent" way to decide which margins to add (i.e. we 
cannot tell if the icon is before the text, after it or in the middle of it.), 
In every scenario the same amount of margins are to be added.
  - Implementers will have to override styling in case they are not interested 
in this margin
  While the simplest method to apply and implement, it might not fit our case, 
as we need to be sensitive to where the icon is placed. Although the cons can 
be mitigated with the introduction of Icon placement props to the Button 
element, this is not desirable as it would invalidate almost all pro points.
  Button Context (slots) approach
  This approach entails adding two slot points into the Button (and possibly 
`ToggleButton`) component, to enable implementers to specify particular HTML to 
go before, and after the button label. With slots, we may also ensure that only 
Icon components are added to these slots.
  **Usage Example**
    <Button type="danger">
       <template v:slot=prefix>
           <Icon type="trash" />
  - Does not interfere with any Icons implementers want to include as part of 
the label
  - Allows us to apply any styles for each of the scenarios of Icon inclusion 
(before or after label)
  - Spacing is limited to the context of the button
  - Changing the slot structure of the Button component is not a quick or 
simple task
  - Does not cover cases where the Icon is in the middle of the label (If 
  - Cumbersome syntax
  This method ensures that any decision we make regarding spacing remains in 
the context of the button component, as was required by this task. While the 
implementation effort might be higher here, it seems to me to be the most 
favorable way forward considering the balance between implementation freedom 
and design system control.
  Icon Context (props) approach
  This approach entails adding binary style properties to the Icon component to 
determine whether the component needs extra padding in one or more of its sides.
    <Button type="danger">
        <Icon type="trash" right /> Delete
  - Relatively simple to implement
  - Maintains a high level of freedom of implementation
  - Arbitrary padding sizes might not fit all scenarios
  - Violates separation of concerns between semantics and presentation
  This method seems much cleaner and simpler to implement than the one 
mentioned above. However, it introduces a context insensitive spacing that must 
fit to all given scenarios.
  While the Icon context approach affords the most simplicity both in 
implementation and in usage, it disregards (as it should) the context of the 
Icon's implementation and thus the spacing might be arbitrary in any other 
scenario besides the button implementation. In opposition, the Button context 
approach is a bit more complex in terms of both implementation and usage, but 
it affords the most transparency to the intent of this spacing, as well as 
ensures that it is scoped only to the context where it is meant to be applied.



To: ItamarWMDE
Cc: ItamarWMDE, Aklapper, Sarai-WMDE, Akuckartz, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, 
Volker_E, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331
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