Lydia_Pintscher added a comment.

  In T274982#6841124 <>, 
@MPhamWMF wrote:
  > Getting caught up on this now. This is still a little abstract for me 
having just learned about constraints. Is it possible to get an example of what 
the (changed) user experience would be in each case?
  Constraints are a way to find issues in the data in Wikidata. You can for 
example use them to define things like "date of death property should have 
values that are after the date of birth on the same item". Or "such and such 
property should only be used on Items of this class". They then show up next to 
problematic statements when you're logged in as little exclamation marks. The 
idea is to alert editors to mistakes in the data so they can fix them. The 
rules are defined by the editors. Here are some examples for these rules:
  We've been working on getting the constraint violations also into the query 
service so you can do queries like "give me all dutch painters from the 1800s 
that have statements with constraint violations. So far not all constraint 
violations are loaded into the query service but only a more or less random 
(but not really random) subset. Due to this the uptake has also been slow from 
the editors. To change that we have been pushing towards getting all or at 
least the vast majority of the constraint violations into the query service. 
The big ticket for that is T192565 <>.
  > @Lydia_Pintscher , the blocker you mentioned is before I started; is there 
anything specific I should know or can do to help unblock? (about to start 
reading it -- seems lengthy, and if there's a tl;dr, that would also be helpful)
  I think Adam, Leszek or Lucas can probably say more to that.



To: Lydia_Pintscher
Cc: Mohammed_Sadat_WMDE, Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, Addshore, MPhamWMF, Lydia_Pintscher, 
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, WMDE-leszek, dcausse, Aklapper, Alter-paule, Beast1978, 
CBogen, Un1tY, Akuckartz, Hook696, Kent7301, joker88john, CucyNoiD, Nandana, 
Gaboe420, Giuliamocci, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Af420, Bsandipan, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, EBjune, LawExplorer, Lewizho99, Maathavan, _jensen, 
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