Geertivp created this task.
Geertivp added a project: Wikidata.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper.

  **Feature summary**
  When updating **labels**, **descriptions**, and/or **aliases **with the 
`standaard Wikidata user interface` one history/version record is generated for 
each language line changed. This is confusing for the user when reviewing the 
update history afterwards.
  When using the `Pywikibot` function `editEntity` only one single history 
record is generated for all of the updated labels, descriptions, or aliases.
  **Steps to reproduce** (item update history examples)
  - Long history list when using the Wikidata User Interface 
 one separate line for each updated cell in the label, description, or alias 
language matrix
  - One single history line when using the Pywikibot editEntity interface 
 only one single history line consolidating all of the cell updates
  **Use case(s)**
  We would prefer that the Wikidata user interface uses one single function 
call to `editEntity`, like Pywikibot does; not a separate transaction for each 
of the changed language lines, but one single transaction to update all of the 
labels, descriptions, and aliases in one shot.
  Example call for Pywikibot:
    item.editEntity( {'labels': item.labels, 'descriptions': item.descriptions, 
'aliases': item.aliases}, summary=transcmt) 
  We suspect that the Wikidata GUI uses a loop through each language for all of 
the changed labels, descriptions, and aliases to call a function `editLabels`, 
`editDescriptions`, `editAliases` for each cell in the language matrix that 
  See for 
an example of calling those functions.



To: Geertivp
Cc: Ainali, Geertivp, Aklapper, Invadibot, maantietaja, Akuckartz, Nandana, 
Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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