MaxSem created this task. MaxSem added a subscriber: MaxSem. MaxSem added projects: MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Technical-Debt. Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper.
TASK DESCRIPTION At the bottom of every page content, there is ``` <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ if ( $ ) { $( ".wikibase-entityview" ).addClass( "loading" ).append( $( "<div/>" ).addClass( "mw-small-spinner wb-entity-spinner" ) ); window.setTimeout( function() { $( ".wikibase-entityview" ).removeClass( "loading" ); $( ".wb-entity-spinner" ).remove(); }, 7000 ); } /*]]>*/</script>``` That has several problems: * It bloats page HTML * You can't quickly roll out code updates by just changing scripts delivered via ResourceLoader, you'll have to wait for HTML caches to expire * The shorthand for jQuery, $, should not be used in a global scope code * The check for jQuery, if ( $ ), doesn't work as you still get "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined" TASK DETAIL REPLY HANDLER ACTIONS Reply to comment or attach files, or !close, !claim, !unsubscribe or !assign <username>. EMAIL PREFERENCES To: MaxSem Cc: Aklapper, MaxSem, Wikidata-bugs _______________________________________________ Wikidata-bugs mailing list