daniel added a comment.

@Snaterlicious Oh nice! I haven't read the document in detail yet, but from a 
first browsing, it seems to give a good overview.

There are a few issues, though:

- The documentation of the different bindings (JSON, PHP, JS, RDF, etc) should 
be prominently linked, and the relationship between them and the "abstract" 
model should be clear.
- "Fingerprint" should not be in the abstract model. I consider it a detail of 
the PHP binding, it's not present in JSON or RDF at all. We are also seriously 
considering getting rid of it.
- I miss the example screenshot from the old primer. It went a long way to 
clarify the idea behind the model, and how it is represented in the UI.

An then there's the question whether documentation describing the structure of 
the data model is sufficient. Markus' spec is an ontological document, 
describing the data model's relationship with the real world in formal terms. 
That kind of "philosophical binding" is not very useful in day to day 
programming work, but extremely important when trying to resolve conflicts and 
misunderstandings, map to other vocabularies, or extend the model. I think we 
still need that. So the new document would mostly be a replacement for the old 
primer. The more formal ontological embedding could be moved to a different 
title, like Wikibase\Data model\formal or some such.


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To: daniel
Cc: thiemowmde, Spage, Abraham, Tobi_WMDE_SW, Snaterlicious, Wikidata-bugs, 
mkroetzsch, JeroenDeDauw, JanZerebecki, aude, Aklapper, Liuxinyu970226, Lucie, 
Lydia_Pintscher, daniel

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